What's in the Fonts
In "Fughetta" (Basic notational symbols):
French "x" diese
45-degree Renaissance sharp
square ("hard") bemol
cross-plus-dots doublesharp
square-bracketed editorial accidentals (#,h,b,x,bb)
square augmentation dot
white-note cluster symbols for intervals of a fourth, fifth, sixth, and octave,
as well as components to construct other intervals
slashed notehead (percussion)
round notehead with left-arrow (brass)
White(outline and shaded)and black versions of the following notehead shapes:
diamond (45-degree square) (suitable for harmonics)
diamond (narrow), Renaissance style
equilateral triangle (four orientations)
right triangle, diagonal hypotenuse (four orientations)
right triangle, horizontal hypotenuse (pointing up and down)
slightly narrower triangle (pointing up and down)
perfect circle
semicircle (four orientations)
crescent (fingernail) (three orientations)
v-shaped arrowheads (pointing up and down)
long (oblong notehead with stem on right)
Renaissance breve (half-width)
Renaissance long (half-width)
x in circle
diamond in circle
double-sharp x in circle
breve with single lines on sides
three alternate shapes for standard black and white noteheads (slightly larger,
reversed quarter-note rest
double-tailed quarter-note rest
long rest
angled and flat beamlet-flags, including up and down stems with up to three flat
broken beams
Renaissance "loop" flags
two-line percussion clef
Renaissance "Ladder" C clef (two varieties)
Medieval C and F clefs
Baroque F and G clefs
Treble clef with 8 and 15 above
Bass clef with 8 above
Bass clef with 15 below
Time and Prolation signs (C C. O O. , as nearly as I can symbolize, as well as
C and O with diminution slashes and a reversed C)
Eight additional arrowheads at angles supplementing those available in "Toccata"
Digits 0-9 in a size and style suitable for MM markings or fingerings
In "Toccata" (articulations and expressions):
arpeggio marks with up- and down- arrows
"Mozart carrot" accent mark
parentheses to fit around notehead, notehead with accidental
slide, glide, smear, doit, rise, fall-off articulations
acute-accent, accent-grave, and breve articulations
tenuto-accent, tenuto-staccato combinations
thicker accent and tenuto marks
tenuto + acute accent marking
double-tonguing and triple-tonguing dots
cello thumb-fingering mark
string/fingering numbers 1-6 in circles
string/fingering numbers 1-5 in squares
harp dampening symbols (single notes, notes above, below, in range)
harp P.D.L.T waves (horizontally cloneable)
tuning-key symbols
other harp symbols (fingernails, various esoterica, pedaling diagrams)
organ heel and toe pedal markings
Hauptstimme, Nebenstimme markings
two varieties of Bartok pizz
dynamic markings to match dynamics' font (dim., sub., cresc., poco, n)
square and triangular fermata markings
parenthetical small noteheads for marking enharmonics (b, h, #, bb, x)
arrows pointing in 8 compass directions
trill signs with b, h, #
short slurs to indicate "l.v."
"tails" for repeat signs
21 microtonal accidentals
numerals 1-8 with circumflexes, for Schenkerian analysis
"plectrum" symbol
three additional "speeds" for trill-wavy-line
Renaissance-style "eye-guide" for end-of-staff
six angles of cloneable glissandi
two sizes of sinusoidal waves (horizontally cloneable)
inverted cross
Baroque ornament resembling Greek letter psi
"8b" notation for those who dislike "8vb"
"15mb" symbol
"coll' " marking for use with 8va
blacked-in coda, plus coda 1 and coda 2 signs
4 different mallet symbols for percussion
straight arrows in 8 directions
16 different curved arrows
double-shafted arrows pointing left and right
Beginning and ending repeat double-bars
brass timbre symbols [a], [m], [u], [wa]
editorially bracketed fermatas, accent, tenuto, staccato, bowings
small (note-size) and large (staff-size) square brackets
...and still more symbols not described!
Note: Two types of symbols are not treated in depth in these fonts: Medieval neumes
and ligatures, and percussion pictographs. I felt these two presented issues which
could not be treated properly here, and have relegated these symbols to future projects.
Also, fonts already exist that cover these items to a certain extent.