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My Love was Like the Moon

Words and music copyright ©2001 by Blake Hodgetts

for Jane

And my love was like the moon
     When my world was dark she lit the starless skies
And my hopes for what I'd be
While her faith still lived in me
     shone reflected in her eyes

And my love was like the moon
     And the phases of her mood would wax and wane
And she had her darker side
And she chose what she would hide
     And concealed her deepest pain

     She was like the speed of light
     Always sure when she was right
          And I knew she'd never change
     She was like the value pi
     Though predictions I might try
          Still her code was always strange

And my love was like the sun
     And she always kept me warm when day was through
Burning with her fusion's fire,
Blending passion with desire,
     Making one soul out of two

And my love was like the sun
     Though she's gone her blazing image fills my sight
Dazzled still, and left behind
I am groping as though blind
     And can scarce tell dark from light

     Like a pitch too high to hear
     She enhanced what she was near
          Everything seemed sharp and bright
     Like the golden section, phi,
     Her proportions could not lie,
          every part of her was right

And my love was like the sea
     I was rocked to peaceful sleep upon her waves
And she brought before my eyes,
As a diver brings her prize,
     many gifts my heart still craves

And my love was like the sea
     And her depths held secrets I could never know
Needs unfathomably deep
Longings that I could not keep
     And I had to let her go

And my love was like the moon
And my love was like the moon…